First Baptist Church School

Student LifeAdmissions
Our Vision

What We Stand For

Our vision states: First Baptist Church School strives to produce a generation of confident and self-directed lifelong learners with the strong academic discipline, technological skills, and personal faith necessary to realize their potential in God’s world.

To achieve this vision, our instruction at all levels is challenging, enriching, and differentiated whenever possible. Therefore, the academics students receive are top notch, preparing them for the next phase of their education and their lives. Also, the school provides pull-out programs for gifted students as well as a program for students with language disabilities (dyslexia).

The curriculum we utilize is similar to a public school curriculum, in which Grade Level Expectations (GLE) and state-approved text books serve as the foundation. However, as our administration and faculty identify potential weaknesses in the curriculum, supplements are strategically implemented to improve instruction. Technology, hands-on activities and manipulatives are highly utilized to support the curriculum at every level.

In Elementary, the school has adopted the Singapore Math curriculum, which emphasizes mastery of concepts that equip students with problem solving skills for greater achievement.

Students in grades 2 through 8 take the IOWA Basic Skills Test (ITBS), a nationally standardized achievement test, which provides the school and parents with national percentile rankings on each student and class. The average rankings typically range between the 80th– 90th percentile.

Teaching the Professionals of Tomorrow

Young 3s, Pre-K3s, Pre-K4s, Bridging, Kindergarten



If this is your child’s first preschool experience or they have attended another program, we want you to know that we would be honored to have you as part of the First Baptist Church Preschool!
Our preschool classes include the following:

  • Younger Pre-K3s (those turning 3 between October 1 and January 31)
  • Pre-K3 (for those turning 3 before September 30)
  • Pre-K4 (turning 4 before September 30)
  • Bridging (those who have been through Pre-K4 program but need another year to grow and mature before starting Kindergarten)
  • Kindergarten (those turning 5 before September 30).

Approximate class sizes:

  • Younger Pre-K3s (10:1)
  • Pre-K3s (12:1)
  • Pre-K4s (14:1)
  • Bridging (10:1)
  • Kindergarten (16:1)

These small classes allow the teachers and teaching assistants to create an ideal classroom environment. We learn through many hands-on, developmentally appropriate activities, as well as group and individual play. Our curriculum varies for each grade level, but may include the following: Singapore Math, Saxon Phonics, Quirkles Science, and Positive Action Bible Curriculum. Our Enrichment classes that the children experience each week may include M&M (Movement and Music), Spanish, Library, Keyboarding, and STREAM (Science, Technology, Religion, Engineering, Art, and Math).

If we take the letters FBCS – we can tell you a few things your child will experience in our preschool at First Baptist Church School.

F – is for FEEL GOOD. We want your children to develop a life-long love of learning. Our goal at First Baptist Church School is to help children FEEL GOOD about themselves and their abilities.

B – is for BE. We are going to help them learn to BE a part of a group, but also how to BE more independent.

C – is for CONCEPTS. We will make a lot of new discoveries and learn how to solve problems through math, science, social studies, handwriting, and language arts CONCEPTS. They are also going to work hard every day on their socialization skills – taking turns, respecting and caring for others, listening, and following directions. You will be amazed at how much your child’s vocabulary will increase and their skills in speaking and listening will reach new heights.

S – is for SPIRITUAL. At First Baptist Church School, we care deeply about your child’s SPIRITUAL needs, and what we can do to help them gain a better understanding of God and Scripture. Prayer and worship are part of every day in the classroom. All preschool children attend a weekly chapel service. We want you to know that the teachers and staff of FBCS are praying for you and your families.

Having you here would be a privilege for us! We can’t wait to get to know you and your children!

Grades 1, 2, 3, 4, & 5

Elementary School 


The overall goal of our elementary instruction is to develop a strong academic and spiritual foundation to prepare students for middle school and beyond. Our Elementary School offers an advanced curriculum with high expectations paired with hands-on activities and the use of technology. Elementary students also receive daily Bible instruction and various weekly enrichment opportunities.

Our optimal student-to-teacher ratios allows teachers to address different learning styles and skill levels. Pull-out programs such as PEAK and PACE (for advanced and gifted students) are available to high-achieving students while our Discovery Lab and academic coaching are available for students needing remediation or extra instruction. Reading is taught through a layered approach which includes Saxon Phonics, the Houghton-Mifflin Harcourt Reading series, Accelerated Reader, and grade level appropriate literature and novels. Mathematics is taught through the Math in Focus curriculum which places great emphasis on problem-solving by equipping students with a strong sense of place value, mental math skills, and critical thinking strategies while using Singapore Math methods. FBCS incorporates a balance of traditional and modern, research based teaching methods for all subject areas and does not follow Common Core.

Students participate in weekly enrichments outside the classroom. Our enrichments include Physical Education (daily), music, art, computer lab, Spanish, and library. 2nd – 5th grade students present a Spring Musical each year. During the school day, students may take voice and instrumental lessons such as piano and guitar. Students also receieve character education on a regular basis with our Elementary Counselor. 

Christian values are taught and promoted to help students grow and mature spiritually and socially. Our students participate in daily Bible lessons in the classroom as well as memorize and recite scripture weekly. 1st through 5th grade students attend chapel services every Wednesday where they sing praise songs and hear a Bible based devotional.

Grades 6, 7, & 8

Middle School


First Baptist’s Middle School helps students to become independent, self-motivated, and successful in all areas. At this influential age, middle school students are surrounded by caring, experienced teachers who have the best interests of the students in mind. They participate in a challenging curriculum with the opportunity to earn high school credit for Spanish and Algebra before they graduate from 8th grade. Technology and hands-on experiences support the instruction and enhance their learning. A traditional 7-period day exposes students to each of the core subjects, including Bible daily, as well as providing them an elective each day to enhance their middle school experience.

Our optimal student-to-teacher ratios allow the teachers to address different learning styles and skill levels with small-group and individual instruction, in addition to whole-group instruction. Our curriculum is designed to challenge students to increase their achievement level and provide for a strong transition to high school. Glencoe, Harcourt, and Zaner Bloser are some of the publishers that are utilized. Middle School students are each issued a MacBook Air laptop to use throughout school year to access online textbooks, conduct research, take notes, develop study guides and become computer literate. We have a variety of support services available for our students including academic coaching, tutoring services in math, gifted program, Speech, and Discovery Lab.

Students in Middle School choose a different elective each 9 weeks. Every year the offerings vary, expand, and include: creative writing, life sports, drama, show choir, television production, computer applications, Fit for Life, study skills, Debate, Gardening, Yogalates, art, Yearbook, Leadership, and Travel USA.

Each day students participate in Bible class. Our non-denominational curriculum, from Positive Action publishing, provides an opportunity for scripture study and discussion, and character building throughout the year. Students also attend a chapel service on Wednesdays with 6th through 8th grade students, during which a variety of speakers provide inspirational messages through music, mission trips, the challenges of middle school, strengthening our faith, and growing in community service and leadership.