School-Wide Events
See You at the Pole, Pumpkin Shine on Line, FBCS Fall Carnival, Hanging of the Green, Patriots on Exhibit,Christmas Programs, Patriots’ Day / Grandparents’ Day, Easter Chapel, Field Day, and the Spring Musical. Honors Programs and Accelerated Reader celebrations are held each 9 weeks.
Grade-Specific Events
Young Pre-K3
- Guest readers – monthly
- Fire prevention and firefighter visits
- Thanksgiving Feast
- Nature discovery week
- Mother’s Day Celebration
- Popsicles on the Patio
- Pajamas and Pancakes
- Wild West Wednesday
- Thanksgiving Feast
- Christmas Program
- Easter Egg Hunt
- See You at the Pole
- Grandparent’s Day
- Pretend Day
- Dr. Seuss
- Field Trips
- Super Hero Day
- Patriot Pals – partnership between Pre-K4 and 4th grade
- Turkey Tales (Reader’s Theater)
- Ladybug release
- Surprise stroll to Betty Virginia
- Various field trips
- Author’s Night
- 4 field trips will be taken to R.W. Norton Art Gallery featuring different artists. Thinking through art will be promoted.
Elementary School Events
1st Grade
- Patriots’ Day
- 100th Day of School Celebration
- Thanksgiving Feast
- Polar Animal Project
- Dr. Seuss’ Birthday Celebration
- Walter B. Jacobs Nature Park Field Trip
- Piney Park Field Trip
- Johnny Appleseed Week
- FIrst Grade Bible Presentation
- Disguise a Turkey
- Christmas Week (Polar Express Day, Reindeer Day, Grinch Day)
2nd Grade
- Patriots’ Day
- Book Character Parade
- Safety Town field trip
- Spring Musical
- Norton Art Gallery Field Trip
- Reindeer Week
- Life Cycle of a Snowman Project
- 3D Shape Museum
3rd Grade
- Patriots’ Day
- Field Trips
- Service Projects
- Spring Musical
- Volcano Creation & Eruption
4th Grade
- Patriots’ Day
- Living Museum project
- Field Trips
- Various Service Projects
- Patriot Pals – partnership between 4th grade and PreK-4
- Spring Musical
5th Grade
- Patriots’ Day
- Overnight field trip to Houston
- Star Base (BAFB)
- Crossing Guard Duty
- Daily School Flag management and proper display
- Spring Musical
- School Sports & Leadership Opportunities
Patriot's Day
In February, grandparents and special loved ones are honored at our annual Patriots’ Day Celebration. In preparation for this event, each grade level studies and reports on a different time in American History. Students present their reports while dressed in period costume on the day of the event.
Middle School Events & Traditions
- PEP (Patriot Enrichment Plus)
- Turkey Smash Volleyball Game
- March Madness Basketball Game
- Fifth Grade Shadow Day
- High School Day
- Patriots’/Grandparents’ Day
- Veteran’s Day Luncheon
- 8th Grade Entrepreneur Week
- Middle School Retreat
- New York/Washington DC/Boston
- Eighth Grade Louisiana Trip
Middle School Memories:
- The Giving Tree/Christmas Program
- Mardi Gras Parade
- Middle School Dances
- Pep Rallies
- Yearbook Signing Day
- Student Council Week
- Honors Day
- Eighth Grade Graduation