Our Environment

If you are looking for a school committed to educating children who want to achieve, we encourage you to visit First Baptist Church School. Every child is valued here. With small class sizes, our teachers are able to challenge each child according to his or her individual abilities. We want to be your partner in helping your child develop his or her fullest potential in every way.

Location: First Baptist Church School
533 Ockley Drive
Shreveport, LA 71106

Phone: (318) 869-2361
Fax: (318) 869-0125

School Hours: M-F: 8am – 3pm

Learn By Doing

The curriculum we utilize is similar to a public school curriculum, in which Grade Level Expectations (GLE) and state-approved text books serve as the foundation. However, as our administration and faculty identify potential weaknesses in the curriculum, supplements are strategically implemented to improve instruction. Technology, hands-on activities and manipulatives are highly utilized to support the curriculum at every level.

Mission & Vision


FBCS strives to produce a generation of confident and self-directed lifelong learners with the strong academic discipline, technological skills, and personal faith necessary to realize their potential in God’s world.


FBCS provides a Christ-centered education which nurtures children in mind, body, and spirit, fostering growth and personal development in all aspects of life in order for each child to achieve his God-given potential.

A Word

From Our Head of School

Thank you for inquiring about our school! Our motto at First Baptist Church School, “We are rooted in tradition, led by God, and inspired by innovation!” These words describe our overarching vision and daily life at FBCS. Our school provides a high-quality academic program for students in younger Pre-K3’s through 8th grade. Our Christian-based educational program strives to make our school a place where Jesus Christ lives in the heart of those who teach and those who learn. Teachers at FBCS are highly credentialed educators and are committed to student success. Our optimal student-teacher ratio in the classroom allows our teachers the luxury of addressing each child’s needs daily.

Additionally, unique needs are met through programs such as PACE, our program for academically gifted students, and Discovery Lab, our program for dyslexic students, and through academic coaching and tutoring opportunities during the school day. We provide a robust offering of enrichments, electives, athletics and also boast an Academy for the Arts (AFTA) program whereby students can receive individualized music and voice instruction during the school day. Students also take Bible class each day and attend Chapel each Wednesday. Students leave First Baptist Church School well-prepared for high school and the rest of their lives. Please take the time to call for a tour of our school. We would love for you to see for yourself why First Baptist Church School has been nurturing children for over 50 years. I look forward to meeting you!

– Mrs. Ginger Gustavson
Our School


Our vision states: First Baptist Church School strives to produce a generation of confident and self-directed lifelong learners with the strong academic discipline, technological skills, and personal faith necessary to realize their potential in God’s world.

To achieve this vision, our instruction at all levels is challenging, enriching, and differentiated whenever possible. Therefore, the academics students receive are top notch, preparing them for the next phase of their education and their lives. Also, the school provides pull-out programs for gifted students as well as a program for students with language differences, such as dyslexia.

The curriculum we utilize is similar to a public school curriculum, in which Grade Level Expectations (GLE) and state-approved text books serve as the foundation. However, as our administration and faculty identify potential weaknesses in the curriculum, supplements are strategically implemented to improve instruction. Technology, hands-on activities and manipulatives are highly utilized to support the curriculum at every level.

In Elementary, the school has adopted the Math in Focus curriculum, which emphasizes mastery of concepts that equip students with problem solving skills for greater achievement while utilizing Singapore Math methods.

Students in grades 2 through 7 take the IOWA Basic Skills Test (ITBS), a nationally standardized achievement test, which provides the school and parents with national percentile rankings on each student and class. The average rankings typically range between the 80th– 90th percentile.



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